A Letter to the Freshmen


[The Four Missions of Architecture: Respect, Knowledge, Communication, Action]

Dr. Ying-Chang, YU

Associate Professor and Department Head of the Department of Architecture, Tamkang University.


Welcome to this rigorous yet infinitely possible realm. Tamkang Architecture is not just about constructing physical spaces, but a multi-dimensional intersection that fuses art, technology, society, and humanities. Here, we will learn how to improve the appearance of the world, elevate the quality of society and life, advocate for the underprivileged, harness knowledge and technology for the benefit of humanity, and help humans comprehend the abstract world. Architecture is not just bricks and concrete; it is a tangible representation of ideals and visions. Every corridor we build connects not just two ends but the past and the future; every building we design is not merely a place for business or residence but a stage for social and cultural exchanges. From the simplest tools to the most intricate urban planning, we imbue a profound understanding of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.

We are in a time of great change, where every architectural professional carries immense missions and responsibilities. Climate change has begun to affect our lifestyles and living environments; sustainable development is not just a philosophy but a commitment to future generations. At the same time, the rapid progress of technology presents us with boundless possibilities. In this era of urban density and growth, our challenges aren’t just about designing a building but about making urban living more beautiful. The blending of diverse groups broadens our perspectives but also challenges us to consider diversity in design. Health issues and an aging population force us to rethink residential space designs; societal developments combined with new arts push us toward deeper and more meaningful design philosophies. Artificial intelligence and digital construction are beginning to change the processes of architectural design, manufacturing, and building, enabling us to realize our dreams more efficiently and accurately. Facing such times, we should possess an open mind, a continuous passion for learning, and the courage to innovate. We hope that what we learn here is not just professional skills, but more importantly, how to think about and face the challenges of the future.

Here are four missions for architectural professionals, and I hope we can inspire each other with them.


In the world of architecture, respect is a holistic concept. Firstly, we must respect the users, understanding their needs and expectations so that our designs can truly serve the people. Moreover, our architecture doesn't just stand on a piece of land; it exists within a complex social network, closely tied with citizens, vulnerable groups, wildlife, and the environment. Respecting resources implies our commitment to sustainable designs, while respecting the environment demands our consideration of each decision's impact on the planet. When facing non-professionals, we need patience to ensure they understand and engage in our design process. Meanwhile, don’t forget to respect your peers, they are partners in learning and potential collaborators in the future. Lastly, remember to pass on knowledge and respect the passion and creativity of the younger generation. Architecture is more than just four walls and a roof; it's an ongoing process involving respect, considering all interconnections and elements, making my architecture not just a physical structure but a gesture of respect towards life and culture.


Here, we are not merely learning architectural design skills or familiarizing ourselves with material properties. When we speak of knowledge, it is the soul of architectural design, imbuing our works with life and meaning. Based on our primary belief—respect, understanding users, society, citizens, the vulnerable, wildlife, the environment, and resources is crucial, requiring our profound knowledge reserves. Philosophy teaches us to contemplate the meaning of existence and the value of humans; sociology lets us deeply understand social structures and interactions between people, enabling us to design spaces that meet societal needs; engineering ensures our designs are physically viable and can safely serve the masses; aesthetics guide us in creating spaces that touch hearts; history lets us learn past lessons, avoid repeated mistakes, and find inspiration; technology offers us more possibilities and tools, enabling unprecedented designs; while management teaches us how to operate more efficiently, ensuring projects are smoothly completed. Additionally, we must learn to communicate effectively with non-professionals, respecting and understanding their needs; at the same time, grow alongside peers and mentor the younger generation, sharing our knowledge and experiences. All this knowledge ensures that we can design truly meaningful architecture that respects every life and culture.


The essence of architecture is a language, a dialogue, a form of "communication." As we learn to respect users, society, citizens, and the broader ecosystem, we must recognize that effective communication is key to truly achieving this level of respect. It's not just an exchange of words but an interaction of souls. Having knowledge across disciplines like philosophy, sociology, and engineering not only enhances our design prowess but also gives us the language to engage with people from various fields. Through patient communication, we learn to hear the voices of non-experts, ensuring that every user can find their place in our architecture; communication skills allow us to smoothly translate complex concepts into languages understandable to the general public; while "empathy" and "perspective-taking" enable us to stand in others' shoes, genuinely sensing their needs and desires. When we talk about public education, we refer to conveying values and philosophies to society through architecture, and through "precept and practice," translating our beliefs into concrete actions. Through voluntary service, we bring professional knowledge to every corner of society, serving unconditionally. Lastly, philosophical and knowledge communication allows us to share our perspectives and wisdom with peers and successors, ensuring a vibrant and innovative future for architecture. Thus, architecture isn't just about design; it's an endless journey of communication.


Action is the ultimate embodiment of the principles of respect, knowledge, and communication, and a critical step in realizing dreams and ideologies. Action means continuous observation, incessant learning, and improvement, drawing inspiration and knowledge from the environment around us. Much like immersing oneself in the crowd, there's a need to directly interact with society, understanding the needs and aspirations of its members. Have the courage to integrate what you've learned into practice, daring to experiment, and explore unseen design possibilities. This also involves exploring the cutting edge of technology, utilizing the latest tools and techniques to bring our designs to life. In this process, we are not just designers but leaders guiding the masses, influencing, and enhancing society through our creations. Pushing boundaries is not just about physical or technical limits but also our own, continually striving for excellence. Collaborations with various groups and organizations are essential, aiming to co-create a more inclusive and sustainable society. Last but equally vital is engaging in dialogues with both tangible and abstract environments. Our architectural actions are not isolated; they are mediums interacting with their surroundings. Through our endeavors, architecture harmonizes with the environment, becoming an integral part of it rather than an intruder.


Tamsui, nestled between the Datun Mountain Range, the Tamsui River, and the sea, is imbued with a rich cultural history and the vitality of the capital. Much like the architecture of Tamkang University, it embodies both rigorous academia and boundless creative possibilities. Every building on this land, every street, and every piece of history serves as a reference for our learning and growth. It chronicles the past and hints at the future. Here, we have learned to respect the land, its people, and its culture, thereby establishing a solid foundation of knowledge. We've learned to communicate with people of different backgrounds, sharing our perspectives and dreams. Most importantly, we've learned to turn these principles into concrete actions, to create and optimize spaces, making tangible contributions to society.

To all the freshmen, we are embarking on a journey filled with challenges and opportunities. The Department of Architecture at Tamkang University will be our home for learning, exploration, and growth. Here, we have access to cutting-edge knowledge, the most professional faculty, and the most vibrant learning environment, all waiting for us to experience and create together. I hope that during our time here, we not only master professional knowledge but also learn how to respect, communicate, and act, becoming the next generation of architectural leaders. The beauty and vibrancy of Tamsui will be our source of inspiration, and we, in turn, will leave our mark on this land.

Welcome to Tamkang Architecture. Let's join hands and strive towards our architectural dreams for the future!