Underground Temperature Renewal


Design concept


Jiaoshi,the village famous for its hot spring, because of the temperature and water characteristics which created unique "temperature natural" landscape, in recent years, with a large number of infrastructure involved and that cause current situation where most Jiaoshi’s architectural designs are overlapping and unidentifiable.With excessive development, this town losing the spirit of the place. Moreover, this matter is continuing.


My concept is the translation triggered by the environment alteration and own experience.


James Corner mentioned in Taking Measure Across America : Measure of control.Measure facilitate possession and it enables one to occupy /control / manipulate the land. Control often response to social and environment exigencies and characterize humankind’s power. The reason why I felt so true and deep is that current development of the city is the most profound example of this passage. Human may be able to [ control / occupy / manipulate ] nature with a lot of effort , but changes of nature atmosphere( temperature / light / humidity / rain ) could influent human’s behavior easily . To me nature’s power is way more powerful than human’s control ; therefore I want toprobe the relationship inbetween human control and nature.  


it is a purification process for both of human and naturethat remind us of environmental consciousnessby interacting with temperature.

When the hot spring drifts across the ground it will left extraordinary expressions.With different temperature which is able to creates the nature color gradient on the material.

It is the natural way of ‘“measure” and I call it  ground palette.


Hotels are the mainindustry in Jiaoshi city they occupied / controlled hot spring resource by engaging artificial machines.


Apparent temperatures are affected by micro climate phenomenon (wind /shadow / humidity)


Architecture as a filter which amplify place atmosphere and identity with temperature.